What does hoof mean for brands?

The future of e-commerce is bright (green).

Meet your new audience, when it matters.

hoof is designed to leverage people's existing online shopping behaviour, meaning you get in front of users already in the buying mindset. We also act as a springboard for lesser-known sustainable brands to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

We are ethics, not discount-led.

Many browser extensions are focused solely around finding the cheapest deal in the market for a product or service. We'll always put a brand's ethics first and discounting second.

Our browser extension is just the beginning.

We're aiming to build a suite of tools that match online shoppers with sustainable brands, helping people make more informed shopping decisions that our kinder to our planet.

How do I get involved?

Invite us to your existing affiliate program.

Search for hoof via the platform or network you run your affiliate activity from.


Pay us on performance.

We'll adhere to your existing CPA model and only ever earn a commission on the sales we convert via our tool.

Give us your seal of approval.

Help your customers spread the word by featuring hoof as an accredited partner via your website & social channels.


Ready to shop sustainably?
Download hoof in a few clicks.